You can found an improved version of the hashslider here
This jquery-based slider does what the most jquery-sliders do, but adds a hashtag to the window location, so you can link to any content / position of the slider. I was searching for a script like this for a while but didn't find one and so a decided to make one myself.
For example: http://yoururl.com/slider.html#3 will set the slider to its 3th position
minified script download and css download
rar-package with the script, the css and a example integration download
Grab the latest version of jquery and download and integrate the hashslider.js and the hashslider.css (also the mousewheel plugin if you wish) use following HTML code and then make your adjustments in css. Note: it's important to give the #slider a specific width!
<div id="slider">
<li> example</li>
<li> example2</li>
<div id="left"> goLeft </div>
<div id="right"> goRight </div>
<ul id="numbers">